Buy One, Give One - promote the good. Now through the end of 2021, for every 8 oz. bullet sanitizer purchased, we will donate a 1 oz. gel sanitizer to a deserving charity. Learn more.
Sometimes, you just don’t want to wait in line to wash your hands. Especially in a crowded grocery store bathroom that’s run out of paper towels. And even more so when very few people were properly socially distancing at 6 ft. apart. Enter our 8 oz. bullet trigger spray sanitizer! It's perfect for sanitizing on the go, at home, and in the office. Available in unscented only with a white trigger sprayer. This simple, branded merch puts your logo front-and-center each time they pull out the bottle for a quick cleanup. All product and packaging is made in the USA in an FDA registered facility. Product contains 70% alcohol by volume.